Day 12: Facebook

Today we are going to talk about Facebook! There is a TON of information to go through so we are going to kindof move fast! Ready!? Go!

So Facebook is FREE which is great! It' free advertising for you and your business. It's a place you can be yourself, share your message, and just be you! I personally have built the majority of my business through Facebook.

What are the basics? How many friends do you have on Facebook? I want you to pause this video and go look. I'm serious. Pause right now! You need to be growing your network every single day!  You need to be adding at least 2-3 new people to your Facebook every single day.

When I started my number was pretty low, not long before I had cleaned up my list so it was super super low. Now I am at about 1,100 friends, to me that's insane. Now that's not a bad thing and it is not about quantity it is definitely about QUALITY! There have been a few times I will have people add me and they just aren't a good fit for me. I'm sure you know what kind of people I mean so I will delete or unfollow them. You want quality people who are going to be a great fit for you and your team.

I want you to write down 10 things that interest you. Now I want you to go to Facebook and find groups that relate to these topics. Join them!! Do it right now!!

Next I want you to go to your friends pages, for example your best friend from college. Go through those friends and look for people you know. Add those people that you know! Grow your network!!

Let's talk about Facebook Popularity! It is whether or not you are popular on Facebook and if people see your posts. You might post something on Facebook and NOBODY likes it. I've had it happen before, no fun. And then someone else will post something exactly the same and they get a TON of likes! Why does this happen? It's because they are more popular on Facebook.

How do you get people to like your posts? People have to see it in order to like it. Their are two reasons why your aren't getting likes 1) Your content is bad OR 2) most likely people aren't seeing it. To get this up you need to engage with other people. You need to like and comment on other poeples stuff. Now don't just like the same people all the time you need to branch out and find people you are targeting. What people do you want in your challenges, people you think would make a great coach. Like who you are looking for! You like their stuff they will see yours!

Another way to get your popularity up is to post with pictures. DO NOT SHARE!!! People don't see things that you share! Repost it on to your page. If you share they are going to go to the person who shared it before you. So make sure you are directting them to you. If you are trying to link something put the link in but then add a picture! Don't use the picture that comes with the link, use your own! Links and shares don't come up on peoples newsfeed. Videos are also pretty low, so I definitely say photos are the way to go. Simple text posts also work well too.

Before you hit post, look over the post you are about to share. Look at it, does it catch your attention? Does it scream SALESY!? Are people going to want to engage!? If you saw this on someone else's page would you like it? ANAYLYZE and make sure it is appealing!!  Engage with the people who are taking the time to like and comment on your posts. If they comment like or respond. They like to know that you are acknowleding what they have said.

80/20 rule is super important. Do not throw up Beachbody all over people. When they go to your page they do NOT want to see Beachbody everywhere! A good rule is 80% family, fun, food, things that describe you and who  you are as a person and then 20% of the time share the business. Look at your newsfeed, are you doing the 80/20 rule. Are you posting 2-3 times a day? Don't do more than that, people will block or hide you because they feel like all you do is live on Facebook!!

Post engaging things! Things that people are going to want to like and comment. I am a pretty random person so I will ask questions like this alot. For example I have asked people which is better N'Synce or Backstreet Boys. Yes I know that may seem silly but I had SO many people respond. Or I will ask how to get rid of itchy mosquito bites. So many people responded. These types of posts catch peoples attention and are going to get you to keep your popularity up, and then when you post something about a challenge or you are using you 20% for business people are going to see those posts.

Now not everyone who see is going to like them. They might be afraid that you will reach out with them which is TOTALLY ok. They are stil seeing it and eventually they will come to you. You will be surprised down the road at how many silent watchers you really have. Get your popularity up so when you post the important business stuff people will see what it is you are doing.

People that you add from Instagram or other social media, make sure you go back to their page and like on comment on their previous posts so that you are going to be popping up in their newsfeed. Anybody you are wanting to do a group, do the same. I recommend checking out other coaches to get ideas I personally follow Lindsay Stay, Brittney Legette, Lindsay Matway, Melanie Mitro, Chalene Johnson are ones that I like to follow. Find coaches that you relate with to get ideas from! Just follow them to get ideas.

Let's chat about Like pages for a second. That tends to be a popular question for coaches who are just starting out. Should I start one? You can start one but I HIGHLY recommend you make your personal page your main priority. That's where your friends and family are. That's where you are adding to your networks. So I would say just focus on your page. Build your brand on your page, and then down the road explore the option of starting to build your like page. I also say don't worry so much about coming up with some spectacular name. I just have recently realized that the brand I am building is Makala Clark. That's who people are liking, and commenting on not Brave Fitness. I am the brand so don't worry about some fancy schmancy name for your like page. Your name will be easier for people to find.

To get likes on your like page isn't as easy as it used to be. You actually have to pay Facebook to do so. You could not pay but honestly if you do that only 1% of the people who like your page will see your posts. Pretty lame!! Its not expensive and you can set up a budget so that Facebook will run ads for your page. Some coaches do this, I haven't yet but probably will down the road.

You need to do the same as on your personal page. You need to engage with your followers and post consistently. Post tips, recipes, having people share their success. Just be engaging and that will increase your like page popularity. You can still be you and share who you are but you can share your business a little bit more.

You can do this. If you don't think you have time, I want you to sit down and really evaluate your time. If I can be a busy Mom working only when my kids are sleeping so can you. I understand you may work outside of the home but if you can really schedule out your time it is possible. You have this amazing opportunity that is right in front of you, I encourage you to take it and run!

If you are still wanting to learn more about social media and like pages I encourage you to check out the webinars availble to you in the team files tab. If you are unsure about something the best thing to do is to educate yourself about it. Keep learning you can do this! See you for Day 13!

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