Day 7: Power Hour

Day 7!!! WHOO HOOO!!! You have made it one week in! You are halfway done!! Super exciting!

Today we are going to talk about a tool that is SUPER important to your business. Especially if you have limited time and are busy!

We are going to talk about the Power Hour....this power hour to do list is something that is going to be a lifesaver for you. When you sit down to do your scheduled time to work your business as a coach you are going to focus on this list. You are going to work from top to bottom and power through.

You can do a few power hours throughout the day, which is what I typically do. I have set that time aside so I am able to do that but you can do it as many times as you want but you need to be doing it a minimum of ONCE a day.

This is a minimum requirement. If you want the minimum results you will do the minimum, if you want more you will do more. Grab a pen, I want you to write this down and do this! I  have mind typed up and placed in the front of my binder on my desk. That way it is availabe at all times and I can check it off as I go. That way I can work through my list without wasting valuable time.

#1- Meet new people every single day. Talk to new people. This can be through social media, or even at the grocery store. 2-3 people a day!

#2- Return all messages regarding business only. This isn't time to catch up on the latest gossip. This is the time you respond to those regarding your business.

#3 - Share with a minimum of 2 people a day. This means talking to people about Shakeology, Challenge Groups, 3 Day Refresh, about the business. Along with the 2 people a day you need to talk to 3-5 people about the business aspect such as coaching. Do this when the opportunity presents itself. Now this isn't inviting this is sharing, answering questions, resources, information, whatever they ask for.

#4- Follow Up! You will be amazed at how much your business grows when you follow up with people. There have been times when I have been frustrated and feel like my goals are far from my reach, so I will go back through my emails and follow up with others. I always end up with a few people who decide to commit. Mindy Wender tells a story about a time that she was really struggling, her coach told her to follow up. She did and you want to know how many coaches she signed up in one week? 10...CRAZY RIGHT!? Don't write people off, follow up with them they will come around! The sale is definitely in the follow up!  Always always always follow up!

#5- Track your progress! You will find an activity tracker in our files tab on the team page. This tracker is to help you keep what you are doing organized. You will be able to track your 3 Vital Behaviors...Shakeology, workout, and Personal Development. Track yourself so you know what you are doing, it will also give you good insight into what you need to improve on! If your business isn't growing and you aren't sure why, grab your tracker that will give you insight into what is going on! Use it as a tool for you!

#6 Invite people to a challenge group EVERY SINGLE WEEK!! 5-10 people a week. Every day you need to be inviting 1-2 people to your group. Honestly I suggest 3 every single day!  Give yourself 2-3 weeks to talk to people about your challenge groups. You want to make sure you are giving people enough time to commit, order, and recieve their products before the group starts. I personally say 2 weeks is a good time frame, I feel like it's not to long or to short.

That's the end of the list. Not to bad right!? Honestly you can do it in less than an hour if you are pressed for time.

My biggest piece of advice I can give you is to BE CONSISTENT!! I know you have heard this before but consistency is KEY! If you aren't consistent with this your business is NOT going to grow! Harsh? Maybe but it is sooo true!! Do this daily!! If you do your business will grow!

Your assignment for the day is to find the Activity Tracker  and  put the Power Hour To Do list where you will see it DAILY! Once you do, take a pic and send it to your Upline! Make sure it is visibile so you can work from it, and DO IT!

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