Day 3: Mindset, PD, & Training

It's Day 3!! Welcome back!! 

It's day 3!! I am so glad you are here!! I hope you completed yesterdays assingments and reported back to your coach.

Today we are going to talk about your Mindset, Personal Development, and the trainings we have available as coaches!

So your mindset is your positive philosophy! From what I have seen with Beachbody, positivity is a KEY factor! There are so many positive people in this business and it really is an AMAZING feeling! You can't help but be happy when you are around such amazing and inspiring people!! They are so encouraging! You want to surround yourself with positive people! You will find that as you develop yourself that you won't want negativity in your life. Honestly, I  have lost a few friends because I realized they were negative and I didn't want to surround myself with those kinds of people. These are the people that are rooting for you to fail, they are the ones that don't support you, and their life is sooo much worse than yours! YOU DO NOT NEED THAT!! These are the people you are going to want to slowly move away from. Now that doesn't mean you have to cut them completely out but you need to realize the effects they are having on your life.

You need to surround yourself with people you want to be like, people who want the same things in life that you do! You want to be around people who are rooting for  you and who are generally happy for you!
How do you develop a positive mindset? Spend time with like minded people, people who are focusing on the positive, who want to see you succeed and who are genuinely happy for you. People who have similar lifestyles and are working towards the same goals you are.

Next Personal Development. This is something you need to be doind daily!! It is vital for a REASON! This is personal study time for you. I would start with 10 minutes a day to begin with, and then to increase from there. But a MINIMUM of 10 minutes. Now this doesn't mean you get on Pinterest and scroll quotes. Trust me that's how I started, but once I got into actually doing personal development that's when I really saw my business take off. It changes your mindset, and is just a great habit to get into for all aspects in life.

You need to find a book to read, or a talk to listen too! You can look into TED talks, YouTube and Audible are also great resources. If you are able to do more, DO IT! I personally like to read and take notes! You will see index cards tucked in all of my books, I treat it like I am studying! I also will listen to something while I am cleaning house! Just do what works for you but the point is to DO IT!

I see a difference in my day to day life on those days that I am consistently reading my personal development. I don't let the day to day grind get to me, and I have a more postive outlook on life. I personally remcommend starting with either Failing Forward by John C. Maxwell OR The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy. Both are AMAZING books and have helped me with getting started. Find books that are going to keep you interested and motivated.  You can find a file in our files tab on the Brave Fitness page to see a list of books I recommend. Check back often because I will be updating it.

You can also find resources on the Beachbody online office. So if you go to the office and find the tab that says SUCCESS click on that you can find more resources for personal development.

So we have talked about finding like minded people, and personal development and the last thing is to direct your thoughts in a positive direction. This requires you to change your outlook and vocabulary in day to day life. You wake up in the morning thinking its going to be a crummy day...chances are it WILL be!! The mind is a POWERFUL thing!!  Change you mindset, have a positive attitude, be happy for the life you have, start naming off all of things in your life that you are grateful for. Just be happy!!

If you do those 3 things you are going to notice a MAJOR difference in your life! They WILL make you a successful coach!! If you think personal development is negotiable then you won't be successful. I know that sounds super harsh, but if you choose not to do personal development just quit now. It is a vital behavior for a reason, I CANNOT stress it enough! You need to do this daily in order to see success!

All right lets switch gears and talk about TRAINING. We have AMAZING resources for training just for you! I have created this site just for you so that you can work on this 2 week program to rank advance to Emerald! I also have a Diamond Training and a Start Diamond Training in place. I am here to help you every step of the way! This will help you with growing into a leader and expanding your team! You can find more training on the Beachbody online office under the News and Training Tab. They offere a coach training academy. Alot of the information is covered right here, but that academy is there for you to use as a resource to refer to in your coaching career. You can find videos that are of great value!! I suggest going there and checking it out so you know where to go down the road.

We also are apart of an AMAZING upline who host weekly webinars to help you grow the business! Pay attention on the team page for announcements on these calls. I try to post them as soon as I see them. Try to jump on if you can. No matter where you are in your coaching journey, I gurantee you will learn something new!! I ALWAYS walk away with a new idea, and usually can't sleep at night because my mind is going a MILLION miles an hour. SIDE NOTE these calls are recorded so if you can't attend live make it a point to listen to them within the week.
I also have a file on our team page with past team calls, try and listen to those when you have a chance. They are labeled so you can look for a subject you are struggling in or just start from the beginning! Isn't the Beachbody family amazing?! We have sooo many resources right at our fingertips! Please use them to your advantage!!

Two assignments for today! Number 1 Choose one book or audio to get started with! Remember this is going to aide in changing your life to a positive happy mindset and the Second assignment is to find the Success Tab in the online office, as well as the Coach Training  Academy tab. Do them, and then report back to your coach!
See you tomorrow!!

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