Day 8: Success Club

Today is day 8!! You are doing AMAZING!! You are on your second week and I know you are going to do AWESOME!

Today we are going to talk about one of my favorite things about being a coach! This is something Beachbody provides for you as a coach!! That is Success Club!

What is Success Club!? This is something you need to do if you are serious about growing your business! I am just guessing here, but I assume that since you are doing this training you are in it for more than just the discounts. You want to grow a business, make money, and be successful. Success Club is what's going to help you grow your business.

Your monthly goal needs to be either 5 or 10. Is one better than the other? Think about Success Club as a flight on an airline. Both will get you where you want to go but Success Club 10 is going to get you there faster and you will be alot more comforatble if you do. Success Club 5 is a GREAT accomplishment and there are perks for hitting it, but if you hit Success Club 10 it will grow faster. Personally Success Club 10 for me is ALWAYS my goal, every single month. That's my goal, since setting that goal I have reached it. That's 7 months of consistently helping a minimum of 5 people every single month. That has grown my business more than everything. I have only seen my business grow every single month.

What are the benefits of Success Club?! Why do I want to hit it? If you hit Success Club in the month of August for example then in September you will get free Shakeology customers and get the commission off of that. Awesome right!? You are consistently hitting success club so your business will continue to grow as you add new people to your network each month. There are also montly prizes as well as a yearly trip this year we will be going to Cancun! Super cool and fun! We would never do that if we wouldn't have taken the plunge to grow our business. But most importantly YOU are helping people!

How do you get Success Club?! It's pretty simple. You earn a point for every Shakeology Home Direct ordered purchased through your site!! Now this has to be Home Direct to get the point. Now remember you need to be a product of the product so if you aren't on Home Direct you need to get on that! OR when you sell a Challenge Pack which includes a workout and Shakeology you will get 2 points. That's it! Pretty easy right?!

Set a goal to hit it every single month!! If you were to come to my house I have it written everywhere! At the top of my to-do lists it says Success Club 10 NO MATTER WHAT!  That means I am aiming to sell 5 Challenge Packs which means I am helping 5 people.  Personally I aim to hit this goal by the 15th of every month that way I don't stress all month long. Yes, sometimes months are harder than others and I work to the buzzer but set a goal to reach it sooner rather than later. You will be glad when you do!

Set a goal to hit it, and be consistent and your business WILL grow!  I can't wait to see all of you guys on the next Success Club trip!! If you haven't signed up to be on the Success Club trip wait list please contact your upline so you can get on that ASAP! See you tomorrow!

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