Day 14: What's Next?!

It's Day 14!!! You did it!! You are DONE!!! You completed the training!!! Hopefully alot of you are Emerald right now!!! Whoop Whoop!! If not I know that Emerald is just around the corner for you!!

What's NEXT!? You have taken these trainings, applied them. You started building your business, and have stepped out of your comfort zone Now what!?

Don't worry I got you covered!! I actually have a Diamond Training in place for YOU!! This includes a roadmap as well as other information to help you build your team. Contact your upline coach so you can get the information on the next step..DIAMOND! Let them know you are ready and they will help you out.

You have been posting your questions on the team page and using the coach FAQ make sure you are doing that. I also encourage you to do weekly calls with their upline. That is how I reached success as well as many other successful coaches. I know we all have busy lives but these calls are going to help you stay on track. If you haven't been talking to your upline coach on a weekly basis please do that. I can't stress how important this is. For my personal coaches there is a link in our Rock It To Emerald group where you can schedule a call with me. Super easy. If you don't see a time that works for you let me know and we can figure it out.

I want to talk to you so please do these calls until you are a Diamond. Those are super helpful to keep you on track and I can get more insight in how I can help you as well. Take advantage of these calls!

If you have any other questions please use the resources available to you. I hope you have been taking advantage of the weekly team calls so you can grow and I challenge you to learn something new about the business EVERY SINGLE DAY! If you do that you will build the business. I hope you have learned alot from this training and know that we are here to help you grow your business. We are excited to see you excel and are willing to help you in any way possible. I am so happy you joined this team and I will see you in the next round of training.

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