Day 5: The POWER of Social Media

Alright it's time for day 5's training!! Let's dive in!

Social media is one of my favorite things about being a coach! Honestly if I wasn't on social media I wouldn't have a business. Let's face it I am a stay at home Mom in a town where I hardly get out. I would probably be NO WHERE if it weren't for things like Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, etc.

Even if you have decided to take a more traditional route with coaching and don't think you will use social media  as a main source I highly suggest you pay attention to today's lesson. This is the future of network marketing. So many businesses are switching their gears to social media, so there has to be something to it right?!

If you are unsure about social media, where to start, don't want to be so open I encourge you to ask questions. Chances are others have had the same thoughts and they will be able to help you out! There are so many successful coaches who have built their business ONLY through social media. Don't just think you have to use Facebook, find a social media that works and appeals to you! For example you may be into writing, create a blog OR you might be a shining star look into YouTube. Just find one that appeals to you, and that you are comfortable with. You'll be surprised at how you can make social media work for you!!

Like I said before I wouldn't be here if it weren't for the convience of social media. I wouldn't be able help people all over the US if it weren't for the opportunity social media gives me. I honestly have customers from California to New York, from Florida to Canada. Have I met these people before...NOPE but because I stepped out of my comfort zone and shared my story on social media I was able to connect with others. You are able to meet so many people that will relate and connect with YOU. We are able to help people by being in our own homes, in our own time. As long as you have internet you can work from ANYWHERE! How cool is that!?

Here are a few options: You an use Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, Blogger, Twitter, Tumblr, and I am sure I have missed a few others. The most important thing about Social Media is it's NOT about selling. Think of your form of social media as a reality show. You need to share with others your LIFE. Think about the Kardashians. I am sure you have all heard of them. They make tons of money by just being themselves.

By sharing your story and experiences you will attract new people, then you start building a relationship with them like we talked about the other day!  It is seriously SO much fun!! I have a customer who is turning into a coach from Florida that I met through Instagram. I feel like she is friend of mine even though we have never met!! I think the first time we really chatted we were up super late talking on Facebook. I never would have met such a fun and amazing person if it weren't for Instagram. It's about sharing and connecting!! Build relationships just like you were doing it in person.

Say you are in town and you run into a friend from highschool, you aren't going to just walk up to them and start selling them Shakeology right!? I mean that would be super weird and they would be sooo turned off!!  You're going to catch up with them, and connect. Say it's someone you don't know you aren't going to sell to them right off the bat either. You are going to find out their interests, see if you guys have anything in common, form some sort of connection with them. You don't want to be the person everyone avoids because all you do is SELL.

Act like you would in person, on social media. They are human beings so treat them that way! You need to talk to them, form a relationship, and then if there is an opportune moment to talk to them about Beachbody do it!

YouTube is probably one of my FAVORITE forms of Social Media!! I love making videos! Facebook is FABULOUS but I love that I can show my personality more in YouTube videos. Through my videos you are able to get a sense of who I am and see that I am kind of quirky. Honestly, I feel that through YouTube you can connect with people better because you can see their face, hear them speaking, and feel like you actually know the person. I am a visual person so this is the best way for me to connect with others. I can just turn on the webcam and GO! The other cool thing is that you can share these videos on other forms of social media, so not only will random people find you but you can also direct your current followers to learn more about you! I encourage you to try out video.

Now this doesn't mean this is your thing, and if it's not that's totally fine but give a fair shot!! Some of the most introverted people are SUPER popular on YouTube. They shine in videos, it's where they are comfortable. Have you ever seen a video by Scottie Hobbs or Caleb Thomas? They are both AMAZING at making videos but in person they are super shy and reserved!! So just because you are shy or introverted doesn't mean you can't be a YouTube star, just give it a shot.

Side Note:Don't be critical of your videos!! Don't pick them apart, just be you!! You don't have to have an amazing backdrop (eh hem look at mine) or be perfectly rehearsed. Honestly the best videos are of people just keeping it real.

Instagram and Twitter are great because they are a little more fast paced. With Instagram you are taking pictures and adding a caption, same goes for Twitter. It's all about getting to the point. Facebook is more involved and with Instagram it's like a flip book of your life, quick and to the point.

Your goal should be to make Facebook your main place, the place where you send people once you connect with them on the other outlets. That's where you are running groups, you have your team page, and they are able to get a better sense of who you are.

So these are the basics of Social Media, your assignment for today is to start meeting new people through social media. Pick 2 forms of Social Media don't feel like you have to do them all!! It is overwhelming!! You do not want to be a Jack of All Trades and a master of none. Pick 2. I highly suggest Facebook being one of them. If you are wondering how to meet new people message your upline or post on the team page and we can give you a little more info on how to go about that. You can also look it up online! :) That's how I started.

Don't think you have to be an expert, but you need to start somewhere. New forms of social media can be scary and overwhelming in the beginning but just keep learning!! If you keep at it eventually it will come to you naturally just like Facebook. Don't compare yourself to other coaches. We are all in different places on our coaching journey. Just put your blinders on and focus on you and what you need to be doing. Once you are in the groove of things and feel comfortable then you can move on to adding another. Just pick 2

After you have decided which two you are going to use, start posting a minimum of 2 to 3 times a day. So that you have a presence there and people can see that you are serious. People can get to know you, be open share with them who you are!! I personally suggest coming up with 5 subjects that describe you. For example: Family, Faith, Fun, Fitness,  Fashion. Then aim to keep things balanced, post about each thing 20% of the time. If you keep that in mind then it helps you stay consistent and others can learn about you!

I want you to message your upline with your 2 forms of social media and to get out there and start meeting new poeple. If have any questions let us know, we want to help! Have a great day!!

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